Post Your Favourite Sep.11th Theory

This is for all non-EC or peripheral-EC topics. We all know how much we love talking about 'The Man' but sometimes we have other interests.
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Extreme Honey
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Post by Extreme Honey »

Sorry I was away for awhile. What the hell went on here? This turned into a war or something...
Preacher was a talkin' there's a sermon he gave,
He said every man's conscience is vile and depraved,
You cannot depend on it to be your guide
When it's you who must keep it satisfied
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A rope leash
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Situation normal

Post by A rope leash »

It's just a little banter among spies, Ex...

What I don't get is why Mech says he's not a secret agent when he replied to my call for agents over on Tin Pan Alley. Of course he's an agent, as well as Mr. Average.

And CopeFan, and NoiseRadio, and Selfmademug, and Miss Buenos Aires, and Bambooneedle and Jackson Monk and Sulky Girl...

...whatever happened to her?

We're in a helluva shape, folks... !
Mechanical Grace
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Post by Mechanical Grace »

What does a girl have to do around here to get her gender accurately acknowledged? On second thought, don't answer that...

Anyway-- lest we confuse Extreme Thomasso yet again-- I was female as Selfmademug, and I'm female now. :roll:
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I can't stand any more of that

Post by A rope leash »

Daggone you! Now I get it!

You're a double agent!
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gracious defeat

Post by A rope leash »

No wonder I was getting my ass kicked.

It's enough to make a person repent.
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Extreme Honey
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Post by Extreme Honey »

Ok I didn't get the agent thing but I'll let it go. And now I finally know what happened to selfmademug, she became, er...Mechanical Grace (with that weird picture of micheal jackson).
Preacher was a talkin' there's a sermon he gave,
He said every man's conscience is vile and depraved,
You cannot depend on it to be your guide
When it's you who must keep it satisfied
Mechanical Grace
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Post by Mechanical Grace »

That's not Michael Jackson, butthead, it's Bjork. Though I 'spose I can see where you might see Wacko Jacko... maybe it's time to change my avatar!
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Did she just call you a butthead?

Post by A rope leash »

There's no reason for secret agents to hang out here...I'm just so bored with everything that I make up scenarios to play with. What is hard to understand about a rope leash is the mix of toys and tools that at times cannot be discerned from one another.

Sometimes I just toss things out there to see what happens. So, I made secret agents out of some folks. There's the set-up, now go for it.

What never ceases to amaze me is how seriously posters take their musings and the musings of other posters. Not everything that a rope leash spills does a rope leash spill with complete sincerity. Mech really thinks that I really think she's a secret agent. It's beautiful.

But not everything here is so lovely. I guess that's okay, even normal, but in the Information Age no one...and I mean no person...can be 100% certain that their educations and influences are 100% valid and accurate. So why the throat throttling? I don't really come here looking for a fight...just a calm discussion.

My feeling is that people are human beings first, and whatever else they are comes after that. The idea that a particular philosophy or opinion is "correct" and another is "wrong" is just not happening with me. Just because I present a position and defend it doesn't mean I live or die by it. I write from the brain and the belly, and I don't know if I'm right about anything...I'm just letting my mind translate what's in my gut. My "gut feelings" come from my experiences and my education and my upbringing. I'm just an ordinary guy who likes to write, and I'm just trying to have a little fun with folks who probably ought to know me better, but...

...well, it's too late now anyway...
Mechanical Grace
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Post by Mechanical Grace »

Li'l old you's so innocent, I forgot. I know you don't really think I'm a bona fide agent, but telling me I'm complicit in the kind of obscene corruption you ascribe to our Government (believe me I agree it's corrupt, just not enough to stage the events of 9/11) is gonna piss me off no matter how much aww-shucks you coat it with after the fact. It's arrogant to think that you function differently than anyone else, e.g., that you merely 'throw things out to see what happens' when in fact you're engaging in a specific debate (and then delete what you've written). However, I too write things within a context here, and you shouldn't think I run around fuming all day because of things you write. You like to throw firebombs; I don't like letting them burn unattended. To each its own.
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gee, touchy...

Post by A rope leash »

...and when did I say you were complicit? Agreeing with the official story does not make one guilty of the crime.

This is the worst part of blogging...folks who don't read well or who read in other things that are not there. I am not a "conpiracy monger", but because I've stated that I think 9-11 was a hoax, I am then accused of believing in everything including UFO's and chucabaras. Having an interest in something doesn't mean you take as fact everything that you read on the subject. When did I ever say Mech was "compicit"?

Never. It is the duty of the secret agent to make the opponent look bad, or at least silly. For people who don't read well, they might think I'm a whacko who thinks Mech is "complicit". But, I did not say that, she did just now in her last post. Why would she do that? Is it that important to her personally that I be made to look silly, or is she really working behind the scenes in benefit of a larger agenda? I mean, really, why bother?

Firebombs, eh? You're probably one of those who think my views make me a terrorist. The only damage I'm doing is to the button-down paradigm of left-right, black-white. I know it hurts some folks to have to think, but that's just too bad. The fact is, you don't know me and I don't know you. We have different interests, and opinions. Neither one of us is in a position to "prove" the other wrong.

As I've said, a lot of folks are easing up on my way of thinking about 9-11, and are starting to ask the same questions I was asking on the day it happened. Some of them are just hoping it was a hoax so that they can relieve themselve of the guilt they feel for glorious George's war crimes. The bottom line is that we as a people can do nothing about our leaders except vote them out, and the D-R paradigm is so strong that real change will never come to pass. The only other thing we can do to free ourselves is revolution, and we all know that we're so lame we don't really get what that means.

So, you be you, I'll be me. In the upcoming martial state, you will have a job, and I will have a hole. Neither one of us will be correct, but one of us will be in compliance. The difference is clear.
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deletion secretions

Post by A rope leash »

Of course, a deal is made out of my deleting some posts. The implication is that I'm ashamed of them. If a person reads well, they know that I have explained what was in the deleted post on this thread, and I've offered to repost the secret agent essay.

This thread was apparently set up by ExHon as a way of making light of 9-11 conspiracy scenarios. It seemed to piss off Mech that I would suggest that the official story was a conpsiracy theory, so I deleted the offensive post as a nod to the forum agreement. I then thought of how Mr. Average was appalled at my essay, so I went over there in my petulent frenzy and deleted that one, also. I offered to repost the essay, but no one has yet said they have an interest in seeing it here again. I will not repost the ham sandwich. Screw you guys on that.

Because I am an offensive, smelly, stinking communist dog, I've come to see how my errant beingess is hurting the poor babies of the world who can't hang with change of any sort. I've been fighting the same basic battles all my life, and as far as the government of the United States goes, my issues haven't moved an inch. In fact, they are hardly spoken of. Nowdays I can blog my heart out, but I'm torn between letting it out simply in recognition of my right to speak it, and keeping it back so that people don't get shook.

This forum means nothing, really, except that people who are fans of Elvis can now speak with each other anonymously. As I find with other forums, being a fan or an atheist or a conspiracy monger in just all in the mix. I piss people off in real life, so it's logical that the same would happen on a web forum. I'm real sorry, but, I gotta be me.

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War? What War?

Post by A rope leash »

Of course, by implying that Mech was a secret agent in defense of the official line, it is implied that she is complicit in the cover-up. I'm just using the "handy ammo" style of debate.

Since I'm more bored than angry, I offer a proposal. We should have a link war. I'll post a link and you size it down after reading it carefully. I'll do the same for links you post. This way, we can bring in the information and look at it together.

Maybe we can come up with an official "Elvis version" of what happened. I mean, you don't actually think they found one of the hijacker's passports on the street do you? There are so many facets to the event to look at...let's have some study time!
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Post by Mechanical Grace »

Dude, whatever; I'd never want or expect you to be anything other than what you are. I've never tried to deny your right to speak, but likewise it doesn't mean I'm gonna shut up on my end either. I've never, ever tried to censor you, you've only done that yourself.

You can say it was a joke when you called me a secret agent, but in the context, yes, you were saying more than once that I'm complacent, and therefore, in your view, complicit. Ditto saying that I'm one of "the poor babies of the world who can't hang with change of any sort". Ditto saying I'll have a job and you'll have a hole, etc. (I barely have a job at the moment, as a matter of fact). I don't take the official line in every detail, believe me, I just disagree with YOUR conspiracy theory. Do you think your extreme opinion makes you special and righteous? Do you not think *I* can be just as contentious in person; that I don't have these conversations all the time in real life; or, for that matter, that people don't automatically assume my words come from a man because I say 'fuck' and have an opinion? You're not the only one fighting life-long battles, buster.

I'm not interested in a war of links or of anything else; we've exhausted the possibilities of mutual understanding, imo. You posted a link recently and I read the first 9/11-related item I found there, and spent nearly an hour with it, and it supported what I'd written in the first place (buildings *do* fall down like that, if they are built, and then struck, like that). Sorry, I'm too busy to give you more than that. I continue to read up on issues surrounding 9/11 and many other topics and I reserve the right to pipe up or down as I see fit.

You said you like to 'throw things in and see what happens', and now that you use the 'handy ammo' style of debate; and you have always cherished your role as provocateur. Thus my firebomb analogy. I don't think you're a terrorist at all, but I think you're part of the problem more than you're part of the solution because you're barking down absolutely the wrong hole. And you think the same of me. Nuff said.
Last edited by Mechanical Grace on Sat May 27, 2006 4:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by bambooneedle »

A rope leash wrote:We should have a link war. I'll post a link and you size it down after reading it carefully. I'll do the same for links you post. This way, we can bring in the information and look at it together.
First I want a new iPod and new Nikes, because I'm just a mindless apathetic little consumer...
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Mr. Average
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Re: deletion secretions

Post by Mr. Average »

A rope leash wrote:I then thought of how Mr. Average was appalled at my essay, so I went over there in my petulent frenzy and deleted that one, also. I offered to repost the essay, but no one has yet said they have an interest in seeing it here again. I will not repost the ham sandwich. Screw you guys on that.

Wow. I have crystal clear memories of being enraged and appalled at some of SelfMade's ultraliberal blatherings, and I suppose that she has a few excellent examples of my right-wing nut-job posts. And these are memorable, because they claw at the fabric of our core belief structure, which is tantamount to cutting out your pancreas with a butter knife. It hurts. Thus, it is memorable.

My absolute fascination with SMM's belief structure is NOT that I think her views are silly. To the contrary. It is clear that she is both highly educated and intelligent (and that is nothing more than a statement of fact, and not flattery, although it often enrages a liberal to be complimented in any way by a conservative). Her views are fascinating to me because I believe her to be an excellent mother, a person who sincerely and genuinely places the life and wellbeing of her child at the top of the top, and lives to make a better world for him. That is the first function of my life once I decided to bring a soul into this world (two souls). My fascination is that I cannot understand how such an authentic, caring mother cannot see the way the world is evolving and how those changes, allowed to go unchecked, will present anything less than a miserable environment for our children. Sure, the easy way is to maintain that if would have taken an isolationist view (France, Canada) we could cacoon and eventually it would all blow over. WRONG France. Wrong Canada. Not the way history ASSURES us it wll work, because "history repeats the old conceits, the glib replies, the same defeats". I just cannot fathom how an educated person with a heart cannot look objectively on the geopolitical landscape and think that we could do nothing and things would improve. That is, in my view, just plain ignorant.

So Rope, I am sorry that you deleted any post because of my reaction to it. I honestly have no recall of it.

But I can't recall falling into the "appalled" category with anything that A Rope has posted of late. So to the degree that my supposed disdain for a post led to its deletion, I am mystified because, frankly,'re Rope, and we all "get" that....
"The smarter mysteries are hidden in the light" - Jean Giono (1895-1970)
Mechanical Grace
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Post by Mechanical Grace »

I don't propose we let things go unchecked, and I agree that if we do, things will be more than miserable. We just disagree entirely on what things those are, and what changes to make. I am not a peacenik and I do not oppose use of force. I am not an isolationist. I did not protest the war, although I think the way it's being carried out is reprehensible. However I think the where, when and how were wrong in this case. I have never, ever advocated doing nothing, nor would I.

For instance, I think our interests are horribly misrepresented in Saudi Arabia, and yes, I do think that has to do with the corporate structure of the world's oil ownership, and yes, specifically with our current president's family involvement in same. Not for the purposes of personal greed but because it is seen by folks in his position as being the quickest route to power. But from all I've read, THE most extremist brands of fundamentalism are Saudi exports. I don't think we're doing the right things to go after the core sources of the enmity parts of the Arab world has against us.

I'm not going to get into a point-by-point with you. I'm just citing an example of my thinking.
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Post by Mr. Average »

Good thing, becaue I did not make a point by point post. I'm thrilled you did not decide to make a point by point rebuttal.

What's the point?
"The smarter mysteries are hidden in the light" - Jean Giono (1895-1970)
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Try this...

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Whacko, but well written...

Post by A rope leash » ... getnewpost

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Strawrberry Fields and shit

Post by A rope leash »

Really. What the first poster says about the drug infected '60s "revolution" hits home. Trust me. I'm a big fan of The Beatles.

There's a ton of crap on the web about the airport in Mena, AR and the kids who were killed there and what goes on there otherwise. Check it out, Mr. Av...Big Bad Bill Clnton territory...probably NOT a conspiracy theory, then...

Gary Webb, a journalist who was investigating such doings, committed suicide by putting two bullets in the back of his head. Nice shot, Gar...

Whacko crap because ABCNNBBCBS doesn't say much on it. You can ask the guy on the thread at the link, though, as he has apparently left his location and email address.

This theory connects the dots, but cannot really be be verified by the common person. Think about it, though...the drug war is never won, and the drugs keep coming. Since we've brought freedom to Afghanistan, the poppies are apoppin'. Shall I link us to a site that claims our elite leaders deemed this as necessary to their profit?

It wouldn't be hard to do. That's why the communications corporations are attempting to gain control over the internet by pressing new laws that will allow them to sell and control content, much the same as cable television has been divvied. Shall I link to a story exposing that? It's only what your Congress has been voting on...are any of you folks aware? Has the evening news mentioned it? What are you going to do? Go to work?

The world is coming to get us, people, the USA has a huge target on its ass.

Me? I'm still trying to impress the Brits...but love is not something to be demanded.

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Post by A rope leash »

The revolution will not be podcast.
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Everything you always wanted to know about Saddam, but...

Post by A rope leash »

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Mr. Average
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Post by Mr. Average »

Mena is not a conspiracy theory. It is fact.

Clinton is so completely involved in illicit activities. Mena is actually just a sliver of smoke in a cataclysmic firestorm of evidence that link Bill and Hillary to drug-related and murderous activity.

The evidence is overwhelming, but we look away because he was a likable guy who received oral sex from young girls while running the country. And a scholar. And after all, he played saxophone, and wore dark sunglasses inside. It is remarkable that so many overlook the volumes of evidence that has mounted.

And the way to deal with that sickening feeling that there is something rotten in Denmark, Washington, George W. becomes the scapegoat. Oh, don't get me wrong, George has really effed up and does deserve to be scrutinized. But all of the angst of a nation has turned to him, after Clinton eroded our national security and cultural identity to the bone (pun intended).

God save us from Hillary. Mark my words. She is evil incarnate. Hug your kids and kiss your freedom goodbye if she gets intot he White House again.
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Post by Who Shot Sam? »

Mr. Average wrote:And the way to deal with that sickening feeling that there is something rotten in Denmark, Washington, George W. becomes the scapegoat. Oh, don't get me wrong, George has really effed up and does deserve to be scrutinized.
Hooray!! We're allowed to "scrutinize" him now! Do you hear that everybody? Yippeeeee!!!!
Mother, Moose-Hunter, Maverick
Mechanical Grace
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Post by Mechanical Grace »

Mr. Average wrote:Mena is not a conspiracy theory. It is fact.
Oy veh.
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