Bob Rauschenberg R.I.P

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Bob Rauschenberg R.I.P

Post by strangerinthehouse »

Rauschenberg one of the last great American artists passed away yesterday at his home on Captiva Island in Southwest Florida. He was 82.

He was a pretty big part of the local community, appearing and donating artwork for several benefit auctions and fundraiser events. The best thing about him living in this area was that we had a Gallery in his honor at the local community college. The Bob Rauschenberg gallery at Edison College, where I got my Associate's degree, was one of the places where I took refuge during the difficult transition from High School to college.

It was one of the most interesting places in a small town that very rarely has anything interesting happen to it. I caught many exhibits at the gallery in between classes and I got to experience art that was not landscape related (most local artists like to paint palms and beaches) or high school art. The exhibits they chose were pretty involved, perplexing and yet they frequently left me in awe. After moving on to a four-year college and now a year as a college graduate, that gallery is one of the things I miss from college.

One of the last exhibits I saw there was the U.S. premiere of "Rauschenberg’s A Quake in Paradise (Labyrinth) 1994" which featured a series of glass panels in a labyrinthine pattern and filled with floating paintings and photographs. I must've gone to that exhibit more than three times, walking around trying to figure out how best to admire the pieces, their reflections and how they mixed in with the ones that surround them.
From the News-Press files
From the News-Press files
Quake1.jpg (42.31 KiB) Viewed 3460 times
It's a loss but considering his age and his health problems I'm just thankful that he made it this far and for all the good he has brought to this boring old town.
And you try so hard
to be like the big boys
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