Random EC meeting post...

Pretty self-explanatory
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Random EC meeting post...

Post by PlaythingOrPet »

From Livejournal:

So today, after a nice lunch, I was travelling home from Derby with my new co-worker, who I shall refer to as H. We stopped at the service station outside Birmingham and, quite unexpectedly...

I met Elvis Costello.

I was a little tired because we were up at 6:00 AM and we'd just had a big lunch at Mickleover Court in Derby. We walked into the place, which is like a huge food court, and there he was... looking around for a coffee bar, I suppose.

"That's Elvis Costello," I said to H. (rather too loudly, I expect). He looked right at me and grinned sheepishly... unhappy to have been recognised, I suppose.

Automatically, my right hand found his and shook it firmly. "I adore your music. Don't ever stop."

The words were out of my mouth before I could stop them, really. It struck me that his hand was soft - a rich man's hand.

"O.K.," he said with a grin (as though to reassure me that he has no intention of stopping). He was taller than I expected, and very well-dressed in some expensive suit... Armani or Versace or some such.

Satisfied with our brief exchange, we both headed for the loo. He was probably happy to be rid of me so quickly.

After releasing the warm jets, I saw his bassist drying his hands (his ampeg t-shirt gave him away) and he told me they were playing in Hay-on-Wye tonight.

"Have a good show," I offered.

"Thanks," he said sleepily.


I really believe that I was the only person in that entire place (which was massive and full of fast food places) who recognised Elvis. I imagine he likes it that way...

When I found H. again, she wasn't sure what had just happened... "Is that really him?" she asked. "That was him, all right... I couldn't be more pleased if I had met the Queen."

H. is my witness. She's even going to send my best mate a letter stating that we met him, since I was too cool to ask for an autograph.

I didn't have anything for him to sign, anyway, other than my passport... and I think they frown on that sort of thing at the passport office. I've never been one for autographs, anyway.
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Mr. Average
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Post by Mr. Average »

Great story. I enjoyed it.
"The smarter mysteries are hidden in the light" - Jean Giono (1895-1970)
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Post by SweetPear »

Great story, POP....
If I ever met EC again (because I was an idiot the first time), I'd want it to go down just like that.

Still grinnin', aren't ya?

I'm not angry anymore....
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