Something cool

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Something cool

Post by noiseradio »

I got to do some voice over duibbing work for a Japanese film called Princess Blade over the weekend. It might be direct to video whenever it comes out, or it may have a limited theatrical release. I have a bit part, Friend of Takashi. The guy who did the voice of Takashi used to be in the band Poi Dog Pondering (anyone remember them?) This is a live action film.

I also did some work on an Japanese Anime series called Sakura Wars TV. I did several small roles in episodes 1-9. The most prominent, in episode 9, was that of Russian Officer. So if you're a big anime fan, you might check out those titles (available now a t a store near you). My Russian accent isn't great, but it's better than Sean Connery's.
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Post by BlueChair »

That's really cool, noise... way to go!
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Post by spooky girlfriend »

Good gig, Noise. How'd you get in on this one? :)
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Post by bobster »

That's actually the coolest thing ever, Noise!

(I've actually thought about checking out the theatrical version "Sakura Wars" -- currently playing across the street from me.)

I, too, am curious how you got this gig -- especially in Texas. I know several (well, at least one) emininently qualified people out here for this type of thing. He's actually doing lots of books on tape, but since the guy's a trained Shakespearian actor, I think he could branch out a little!

I actually went to this sort of Voice Acting workshop thing at the San Diego Comicon last weekend and realized that as I always suspected, while I can maybe do the voice-over/narration thing for certain types of project, I have no particular talent for "characters", so you've got my respect! -- Where "hopelessly dated" is a compliment!
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Post by noiseradio »

What does that mean? "Especially in Texas..." Texas is home to ADV Films, the premier company for importing quality Anime and dubbing it properly into English. They did all the Samurai X stuff as well as Neon Genesis Evangelion, Robotech, and a bunch of others. They're based in Houston and have offices in Austin.

I got the gig because of my unmeasurable talent.

And my brother runs one of the Austin offices. :wink:
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Post by bobster »

Aha ... so nepotism rules...even in Texas!

BTW: I've always loved this quote about nepotism (no idea who originally said it): "Nepotism's long as you keep it in the family." -- Where "hopelessly dated" is a compliment!
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Post by noiseradio »

Keep in mind:

1. My brother made me audition.
2. He is relentless in getting things to sound the way he wants.
3. I get smnall roles, generally
4. He made me drive back down to Austin to redo some of my lines, and as per my contract, I was not paid any extra, so it actually cost me money to do it.

But yeah it's nepotism. And I'm the voice of several cartoon characters, which is a childhood fantasy.
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Post by bambooneedle »

That is very cool. Did you practice in front of the mirror; how do you actually prepare for the parts, and where could we see/hear the results?
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Post by bobster »

Noise --

Well, at least you're brother's cracking the ol' whip.

I'm sure you did a lot more to fit the bill than the a certain other case of Texas-based nepotism for which the entire universe is currently paid. (Somehow, I sense you're brother wouldn't swing Florida you're well...well, unless you really deserved it!) :wink:

But, seriously, I'm sure you did a good job. (And, let's face it, like or it not, fair or not, connections make the world go 'round. Even EC has a dad in the biz! It wasn't like Ross McManus was CEO of Columbia Records or anything, but his example and knowledge must have been a big help to young Declan.) -- Where "hopelessly dated" is a compliment!
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Post by Tim(e) »

That certainly is extremely cool Noise... I have never seen Sakura Wars, but even if I had I would probably not have heard you as I generally (as a rule) never listen to foreign dubs, only original language with subtitles... looks like I might have to hunt these up though and make a point of listening :)

On a related note, there is a very entertaining "making of" extra on the US release of Miyazaki's "Spirited Away" which includes scenes of a number of Japanese actors voicing their parts. Watching them, and watching people like Tom Wa... sorry... Hanks and Tim Allen doing Toy Story is like chalk and cheese - the Japanese actors really (and almost literally) throw themselves into the job at hand.
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Post by El Vez »

Outstanding, sir!
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Post by noiseradio »

bambooneedle wrote:That is very cool. Did you practice in front of the mirror; how do you actually prepare for the parts, and where could we see/hear the results?
I didn't practice in front of a mirror, as it's voice over work, and no one will ever see my face in it.

You can currently see my (very limited) work in Sakura Wars TV Vol. 1: Opening Night and Sakura Wars TV Vol. 2: Overture. I voiced 6 or 7 characters spread out through 9 episodes. Most of them are 1 or 2 line parts. In Episode 9 (I think) I voice the part of "Russian Soldier), which was a pretty sweet role. I got to do a Russian accent, had a bunch of lines, and I got to do a battle cry as I charged into enemy fire (complete with a death rattle when I get blown away).

Princess Blade comes out in the future. The recording won't be finished until August, and then I don't know what the turnaround will be.
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Post by bambooneedle »

noiseradio wrote:'s voice over work, and no one will ever see my face in it.
I know that much... it could be helpful for getting "in character" though... you know, help you get aroused.
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