Ann Coulter, Queen of the Morons

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Ann Coulter, Queen of the Morons

Post by BlueChair »

Coulter: We want 'Jews to be perfected'

WASHINGTON (CNN) – Conservative commentator and best-selling author Ann Coulter may find herself in the midst of a controversy for comments Monday suggesting America would be better if everyone was Christian.

Asked by CNBC host Donny Deutsch what the U.S. looks like in her dreams, Coulter said it would look like the Republican National Convention in 2004

"People were happy,â€
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Mr. Average
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Post by Mr. Average »

Beyond political and social commentary, beyond political and social satire, and beyond any recognizable strain that someone like Kramer might call comedy. This is flat out beyond belief.

She doesn't speak for me or anyone I know ... anymore. I will admit that at one time, a while back, I thought she presented some incisive and thoughtful commentary.

Not any more. Drivel to sell shit. Now this one maybe her undoing. Thank's for sharing, becuase she really has crossed the line into hate speech, and it is embarrassing to see it happen.
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Post by Goody2Shoes »

Mr. Average wrote: This is flat out beyond belief.
Not really. Pandering to bigots is precisely in character for her.
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Emotional Toothpaste
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Post by Emotional Toothpaste »

Coulter is pure evil. She doesn't even try to pretend that she's not, whereas Hilary does. Makes no difference, a ho is a ho.
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Post by alexv »

I don't believe a word of the Old or New Testament, and I think Coulter is a clown like her left wing counterpart Michael Moore, so my thoughts on this have nothing to do with espousing christian dogma or defending a right wing idiot. Nevertheless, my reading of this transcript is that Deutsch is trying to make more of it than what's really there, purely to "get" Coulter the "moron".

By the way, Blue, why are you so puzzled that MA thinks Hillary "evil", and yet you feel safe in calling Coulter a "moron". Isn't it likely that neither lady fits either label? Do you really think Coulter is a "moron"? I think her IQ is certainly above the moron line, although, like other intelligent, educated people she probably says things that don't make sense from time to time.

Anyway, back to my manin point: She's doing a schtick, and a pretty lame one at that. What's she saying? That both groups start from the same premise (the OT), and that her group has a fast track to the promised land because, unlike the jews, they found the driver (JC). So if the jews want the fast track, they need to get on the bus (perfecting themselves).

This has been said by christians, in one way or another, for centuries. It's stupid, and narrow-minded of course. But, all religions that rely on one god end up in the same place. Which is why if I were forced into adopting a religious stance I would choose the Roman multi-god model. If you believe only one way to salvation exists, then by definition anyone who seeks salvation has to join your bus (perfect themselves in Coulter-speak) or lose chosen people status.

Does the fact that she is clueless enough to say this out loud in our modern-day PC world mean that she is anti-semitic? I say it just means her PC radar is out of control. If I were a Jew would I deem her an anti-semite for thinking this? No way. If that were the litmus test of anti-semitism, practically every Catholic church in the world, along with countless other christians sects, would be found to be full of anti-semites. I don't think that's the case.
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Post by Who Shot Sam? »

I like the idea that Coulter is trying to pass herself off as a good Christian, when there's not a charitable or compassionate bone in her body.

Coulter is clearly not stupid - any more so than Hillary is "evil" - but she puts what intelligence she possesses to such ugly uses that she is someone to be despised IMO.
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Post by BlueChair »

my "Queen of the Morons" title was simply adapting our Pat Robertson "King of the Morons" thread.

Coulter isn't a moron for any reason other than, like alexv says, she doesn't know when to keep her mouth shut about her intolerance. But I find it absolutely abbhorant how ignorant she is about homosexuals, Jews and Muslims.
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miss buenos aires
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Post by miss buenos aires »

I had a fundamentalist Christian friend who once tried to sell me the line about Jews being "incomplete" Christians. He tried very hard to reconcile a fundamentalist stance with things that he didn't really believe in. Now he's an atheist.
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Mike Boom
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Post by Mike Boom »

I would like to know why these people are still being put on TV. America seems to have a fascination with putting these people on TV shows then when they say something bigoted (as they always do so that they will gain attention and will be invited back to other TV shows) the media jump up and down, all shocked and bewildered and say "how could you say that? ". Coulter was on twice last week, once on the Today show and once on Donny Deutch. Why? For no other reason than to say something outrageous. Its a complete ratings game that is both boring and juvenile.
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